
I'm All Done

"Organic microorganisms

"Some visions of the complexity of the human anatomy. Along side with visual effects of garden vegetables

"Close observation and contemplation of the natural forms in nature. They are familiar while being exotic and mysterious.

— Ann-Marie Gillett

"Dr Seuss

— David

"From mushrooms


"Nature Her work has a strong natural flow and colors that don’t feel attificial

"Flowers 🌸

— Fletcher

"By reading too many anatomy books

"Worms? Insects...

— Linda Groce

"She thought about things

"Donut sharks


"She seems to find movement in mundane but extremely complicated still forms. That must take an immense amount of thought and observation on objects that most people pass by without seeing at all. Beauty in movement...wonderful. Many thanks.

— Stephen Russo

"Combo of ink blots and microscopic images

"Thinking deeply about the internal structure of fruits and vegetables. 🌽🍎🥬🥒🍌


"Cancer cells

"A visit to Japan

"By identifying with and immersing herself in nature❤️

"Colors, shapes, plants,mushrooms, circles, flowers, nests, birds nest

"Flower faces

— John

"Nature ,

"Research and drawing and imaging and being brave

— Julie

"Alice in Wonderland