
I'm All Done

"Safety and comfort

"Freedom to be me.

"A changing point of reference to collect memories as time passes by

— Jorge Schuhmacher

"An incredible effort , and very profound indeed, to enter the past and bring it forward, to make it present and help me find wholeness. Reference is not objective. We rescue it through memory.

— Nidia schuhmacher

"Home means party, food and sleep.

— Trip

"Italia is my home. The province of Abruzzo

"I have no idea. I’m still trying to figure it out.

— Slang

"Breath taking, incredible, historical and soulful!

— Laurie Klein


"home is a community of care queer magic alchemized from the ashes of patriarchy somatic abolition amongst collective beings centering of earth and all our relatives liberation amongst relations

— iäsc novak


"Home is wherever family and friends.

"Home is the place that fills my heart. It’s food and music, laughter and affection.

— Kristina

"Home means the place where you feel relaxed and safe

"Home to me is safety and comfort and love

"Not a place, but comfort and unconditional love with and between those around you

"A warm feeling. A memory.

"Family. Familiar. Safe. Supportive....very fortunate, as I am

"Happy comfortable place

"Home can be the places where you grew up and where you lived. You can also find home inside of people; there are loved ones who feel like home wherever you are.

— Alyssa

"Somewhere I belong and nowhere I ever been

— James Cardenas

"Wherever family is.

"Any place I love

"Comfort and family

— Wes

"Home means suffering to me. As a member of a permanently displaced group, I’ve never felt I’ve had a home. As I grow older I learn that home is complicated for many others as well... and to my surprise even those who have a home associate the word with pain.

— Maya

"Everything you like is in the fridge

"I’m not wondering if my sheets are dirty from somebody I don’t know having slept in them

"Home is where I am with my family.

"Where your family is

"Where I live

"Where your family is and also where your memories lie.

— Katherine

"What’s that milk tea they serve at Indian restaurants? That tastes like home

"Home means feeling protected ... but at the forefront of the mind it feels like warmth and your family is there and you share food and ... some kind of humor

"Home means feeling protected ... but at the forefront of the mind it feels like warmth and having family people there and you share food and ... some kind of humor


"Food, peace, and warmth

"Family, where ever they are, that is home.

"Home to me is somewhere that you can be yourself and really feel that you can belong in your home. It should be somewhere where that you be yourself.


"Home is many places to me, it’s chicago, it’s Greece, it’s different in summer different in winter

— Andrea

"Home is what you and the people around you make a place into.

"Home is the building in Kettering, UK that we sold on the passing of our father. I now no longer have a home to go back to. I am now truly an ex-patriot.

"Home, to me, has always been something to search for. Moving around a lot my whole life, I’ve never felt anywhere was “home”.

— Nm

"Shelter love forgiveness

"Where family is and where someone loves you

— Faelan

"a place where you are safe from evil forces and a place to be with your family in pure happiness.

— Eli


"Where one feels safe and loved

"The people you love


"Wherever my siblings are

— Sydney