
I'm All Done

"Since it is daylight I assume this is an afternoon nap. She may be continuing whatever fantastical adventure she concocted during playtime that day. Battling a dragon or a daring sea voyage.

"There’s not enough context provided within the work for me to meaningfully engage with this question... everything, nothing, or something in between.

— EdwardMcP

"She looks a bit tense from her positioning so I’m assuming it has something to do with a fear

"An unfamiliar world with a pink sky

"She’s creating long term memories from all of her adventures that day

"Candy land

— Thomas

"In a magical world

— Abigail Berdy


"He was dreaming about him self

— Catherine

"Lying in a field of wildflowers, with a gentle breeze blowing through her hair, the sounds of hummingbirds nearby. Turning her head, the gentle wing of a butterfly is felt upon her cheek as it flutters by.

"An adventure through the jungle

— Rachel

"Playing at recess

"A giraffe

— Mary

"She’s dreaming about her next adventure

"Doorways that open to magical fields inhabited by creatures with the purist of hearts.

"One horse sleigh ride on cold winter day

— Achim


"eating sorbet on moonrocks Exploring the depths of her mind

"Being warm

"An adventure that they were having with with their parents.

— Angelica M.

"The struggles as a child

— Daniel

"She is dreaming about who she will be in future.

"What should the child buy next at the toy store

— Gary

"I do not know, but I can smell the fresh sheets and am transported back to my protected childhood.

"Being snuggled by her momma after a long eventful day of adventure.

"There is sense of comfort and warmth, perhaps a memory of summer or the hug of a pet

"The beach

"A lost puppy

"She is in a garden under a mountain laurel bush Waiting for the bunnies to arrive Hoping for rainbows To slide down Into cotton Clouds

— James

"The dog and his ability to fly a plane and rescue all the woebegone cats who were treed in the night by the nocturnal badgers. She knows her hound, Jerry will prevail against the aggressive badgers and save the cats. Who will have to be aloof come morn as the day cycle of balance must me maintained!

— Christine

"Can’t wait to get my new orange bicycle that matches my PJs wahoo

"Summer vacation with her grandparents in Miami. Who talk about Cuban revolution, cigars and mambo. She loves their cooking and how they make her feel like she belongs.

— Aprilhbrown@gmail.com

"His lost stuffed animal.

"She forgot right when she woke up.

— KK

"Lollipops and ice cream

— Kayla

"Being at the beach on a chilly morning

— J smith

"Last night I had the strangest dream. I stepped outside to my back yard, there all around me were fake plastic trees.

— Terry

"She was captain of the sea

"Last night I had the strangest dream, but tonight all is peaceful and well. Not scared, not stressed, just peaceful.

"I was lost and scared and in a strange world. I awoke to find that I was back in my bed with my parents sleeping quietly in the next room.

"I think she is dreaming about a beautiful world where there is no hate, no waste, no poverty..... I wish it weren’t considered the strangest dream.

"Santa coming in the morning


"Spelling bee, How to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidotious. The fearful night terror of misspelling. Refridator,refridgerator,refrigerator. Dreaming about a past conversation ,and wondering if they were sincere or ,once again having sarcasm fly over her head.

— T.F.Green Airport


"There’s no place like home!!!!

"Climbing a big one tree

"the Circus


— J dog

"The child is dreaming about the day she spent with her mother. Dreams of sharing ice cream and sitting in the park. She doesn’t dream bad thoughts only warm comforting thoughts of her mother’s love.

"Safe in the arms of a mothers love.

"Child is serene, warm and cozy. So sweet when they are sleeping. Ahh, youth



"Candy. Or a puppy!!!!!

"Pepper pig

" tomorrow’s trip to the country’ where she will play all day in the wide meadow

"Dreaming of Santa coming


"Ray Montaquila eating tacos with Kenny antonizio

"What to eat tomorrow morning.

"A world only she knows about and can visit when she’s sleeping

— Grace

"A world only she knows about and can visit when she’s sleeping

— Grace

"She is dreaming about going to this museum

"I’m not sure she is in a dream state yet. She looks like she may be in deep sleep like thought that is between awake and asleep.

— Debbi

"No school tomorrow

"Getting a iPhone for his birthday

"Happiness and rainbows. Erin, age 8

"The next picture her dad will make. From Anna, age 7.

"Her summer days in Newport.

— Christina Curtin



"Running and playing

"I dreamed an end to war

"Corn dogs at the beach on a summer day

— Tessa

"Getting a puppy

"About eating breakfast in the morning

"Afternoon nap/I have to finish my homework.

— C.R.

"That she is a mermaid🧜‍♀️

— Katherine Perlas

"She is dreaming of her responsibilities the next day

— Mary

"Battling aliens in a galaxy far far away

"If Shaggy and Scooby from Scooby Doo always run side by side, and a Great Danes running speed is 30-40 mph, that means shaggy can run at the same speed. This makes shaggy the fastest human alive as he surpasses Usain Bolts top speed of 27 mph. I think about this every night. So why shouldn’t the girl not too?

— Jesse


— Ally


"Irony that she doesn’t insist

"Irony that she doesn’t insist About the forest and running through the mill prairie

"Young Clover is probably processing all that she saw today. Hopefully it was all positive and led to a creative life as an adult.

"Be come a hero

— Wolin

"Journeys end in lover’s meeting.

— Chuyi Cui



"Her lost teddy bear

— Kaleta

"Being home in her own bed.

"Riding her Shetland pony, buddy, through a field of clover.


"Going on a trip.✈️🏖🇺🇾

"A world before the awareness of time.

"the uncertainty of the future

— Redbus


— Redbus



"Lost mother


"Child is pretending to sleep, and will continue to read once mom leaves the room

"His mom

— Florencia

"Playing in the park with her brothers and sisters

— Kristina

"Something that is scary for her; she needs a hug to feel loved

— Betiana

"She’s dreaming about holding someone she loves.

— Julieta


— Genny

"Her next adventure

— Sarah

"Absolutely nothing ! ☪️

— Evelyne




"T-Rex eating cake.

"The child dreamed that they were with there friends but they were on a mission to go to space and got stuck on Pluto and met people who lived there and joined the society and after many years they went back to earth and was old and weak well her friends were still the same age and then you wake up to be in a room as her parents were walking around and chanting something you could not understand and then you wake to your actual room and know it is not a dream.


"Starting school the next day...

"He’s entering an ice cave where light is filtered through walls in which insects are captured and suspended

"I hate school....

"Dreaming of riding unicorns and pagasis and seeing fairs

"His birthday at 25 years old

"He is thinking of a monster and it is eating his friend but then he comes in and saves everybody and is a hero the rest of his life.

"Rock of love season 2

— Melissa

"Endless supply of diapers.

— Drew

"Season 4 of Rick and Morty... We all are!


— Shutian

"A nightmare

— Bella

"Thus child is not dreaming. Instead, it’s the stage of deep sleep😴😴😴

— Xinyu

"Walking alone in the woods

"a new brockhampton album

— Ollie

"Where his future lies ahead.

"Dreaming of summer.

— Paula

"How some things in his life make him sad or how some make him happy probaply


"Candy or playing with new toys

— Cecile

"Rick Lazzarini’s tiny foot

— Len Peralta

"Pj masks

"Winnie the pooh


"Apple pie

"Unicorns :)

"Unicorns and rainbows.


— Bob

"People watching her sleep...

— Watcher


— Thanatos


— Arrrrg

"Tooth fairy

"Nightmare with unhappy emotion

— Dan

"Visions of sugar plums...

"Rain drops on roses

"She dreamed the world had all agreed to put an end to war.

— Al

"The Jonas brothers

— Megan

"The sea


— Alexia

"She appears insecure, so she possibly experienced a loss of some kind. I am guessing that her parents are divorcing or a loved one passed away.

— Barbara Karmazinas

"An adventure outside with friends- maybe imaginary ones. They are traveling down a road during the summer on the search for a carnival. They are hopeful and a bit worried of getting lost.

— Amy

"That she was lost in a forest.

"We don’t know—

"A time when there was no Donald Trump.

— Tamar

"A time when there was no Donald Trump.

— Dan

"Pretty horses in a meadow ...


"“I have no mouth and I must scream.”

— M

"milo& kate🐑🦕🦂🐧

"The office (Dwight is gonna attack her)



"She’s having a distressing nightmare

— Alex

"She was lost and scared in the woods .A monster was chasing her. She then woke up to find her parents sleeping .

— Sycilia

"She is safe And loved

"I had a dream about getting poison ivy but then turns out it wasn’t a dream

"Her mother

— James

"How the next day her mom is bringing home pizza cause it’s friday

"Her lost bear

"She is dreaming about her adventures with her friends and climbing trees and chasing butterflies

"The impending economic collapse and certain death caused by global warming. So he’s really thinking: “what’s the point of trying if i got like 15 years max anyway.”

— Maggie

"The impending economic collapse and certain death caused by global warming. So he’s really thinking: “what’s the point of trying if i got like 15 years max anyway.”


— John H

"You can’t telepathically communicate with a picture.

"How she plans to misspend her precious youth.

"What she is going to do the next day.

" Looking for her beloved cat all through the house, knowing he’s there somewhere, but not finding him

— Claudia

"I have a busy day tomorrow so I must rest for the big Occasion. My. Birthday !

"A fat sandwich

— Jesus

"Playing on the playground

"Making a snowman 😏

"New toys


"His mother and father loving him

— Dan




"She is in prison and cannot escape she is dreaming of being home and it is morning time and does not want to get up☹️

"A beautiful ocean in Newport Rhode island

"Living in one of the mansions in Newport Rhode Isalnd

"Chasing a bee


"A day at the beach

" Why are these people looking at me?

"She is dreaming that she could have a soft animal.

"First day at primary school.

— Luke


"How Minecraft is better than fortnite

"She is dreaming of her teddy bear who usually sleeps in her arms. But tonight, Teddy is away for the night having adventures and eating lots and lots of yummy honey

— Nancy

"Is he ever going to stop taking my picture

"Being an artist.

"Recess at school but then she hears someone scream!

"the ocean


"Life on mars

"Allies Donuts


— Bobby

"Drinking iced tea on Mars and playing bingo with a Martian

"Her orange sweater decision

"Going to the fair the next day

"Chocolate. Yeah definitely chocolate

"I flew to the clouds and beyond.

"Mountain hikes w dad

— Kelly

"Our parallel universes ......she lives where we can all live in the space between..... safe in the love of her parents to venture forth and explore the unknown known.

— Monique

"Color and sound

"Her day

"This child may be dreaming about what will happen in his/her future and what may be bad or what may be good. Perhaps they are dreaming of what they want to be when they grow older, or what they may one day accomplish.

"A field of wild flowers

"Getting a new soft toy

"Seeing flamingos at the zoo

"The concerns of the day

"A Ferris wheel

"Remember that moment as a child when you’re sick for days, the fund of being able to be on the couch all day is gone?you can barely sleep because of the wonkiness of your illness? Then the fever dream finally breaks. That’s the moment that child is in.

— Lisa

"The waves at the beach. Never ending. Total relaxation. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to ride one in to shore.

— Jay Kaplan

"She sees her father across a river..




— Ev

"She is lost in nature somewhere. Far away from home in a field of flowers. But she’s not scared. She feels safe even though she has no idea where she is

— Madeline

"Seeing loved ones

"She’s sad or a little angry about something

"She is sleeping in her deceased grandmothers old yellow jacket. It was her favorite.

— Anonymous

"She’s dreaming about dreams

— Mom

"I can’t Wait to see what I will be when I grow up

"Where is daddy taking me tomorrow? I hope it’s somewhere magical with ferns, moss and fairies. There will be fairies flying and jumping. It will be super.

— Sally

"Her family

— Kimberly burkan

"This child is dreaming about him making a change in the world

"Riding a unicorn in the clouds!

— Ann


"A strange thing

"Dreaming about dancing among fairies

— Desiree

"Harry potter

"The homework they forgot to turn in

"Santa clause

"Child He was dreaming about being home

"Plot twist: the sun is out, it’s morning, the child is out of REM sleep and about to wake up.

"Strange people watching me while I sleep!

"Her pets

"Breakfast conversation with her dog and cat.

"Safety and comfort and fear of losing

"Perhaps about what tomorrow may bring. Seeing her friends at school. Getting that puppy she asked her parents for. She looks well cared for, so the possibilities are endless, as time often feels like to children.

— Carmen

"Money and cookies

"Athens The puppy he was promised

"Beach day

"Orange Monkeys eating bananas and hoping on one foot in the trees.

— Anna Langhorst

"She is dreaming about the ride on the merry go round. She has a favorite pony that she wanted to take home on the ride but daddy said it had to stay. He explained that the pony would be sad leaving all the other ponies on the merry go round who are it’s family.

— J. Radman


— A bee

"She’s dreaming about herself but a complete opposite, in other words she’s dreaming about the opposite version of herself

"A mermaid and a dolphin, says the 4 year old.

"She was trapped in the forest, surrounded by fires. The fire slowly devoured the trees until she was the only thing left. She called out but no one answered, and and the flames licked at her bare feet, she woke up.

— Wren


"She’s thinking of her basketball game tomorrow and that she’s a point guard and that she has shoe game

"What will I do on Saturday

"Wandering lost inside a baby Grande piano. Bumping against sound clouds that present shapes and quick stories and images.. looking for new pathways..

— B

"How to get out of this picture .

"A peaceful idyllic

"Chow hall procedures

— Last Candidate

"A shark in the ocean, and it ate her, and she never saw her mommy and daddy again. Rebecca 4 yrs

"A tomato

"A world where she can be anything she wants to be.

— Benjamin Fernandez


— Gio

"Missing somebody


"A white rabbit

"Nothing, she’s just tuckered out.

"A fairy flew me to Ireland to see where my great-grandparents were born.

"The child is dreaming about her comfortable and pleasant future

— Andre

"About something she heard at school &her feelings got hurt 😔

"Her daddy who is far away.



— K chapman


— Frankie

"Ghosts from her future

— Franks

"Her family

— Franks

"Sarah & Justin’s wedding!


