
I'm All Done

"Childhood is never easy, and looking back at those distant years is somehow pleasantly painful, for me. Forever young is a gateway to our own past, resonating along with all the different images. GREAT SHOW

"Eating foods from when I was young.

"Music that I haven’t heard for over a decade stays embedded deep in my memory. Suddenly hearing a familiar song can take me back to the feelings I felt when i listened to it in high school.

"When I see someone doing what I can no longer do. Like dance.

"I always feel nostalgic around the holidays. My family has a lot of traditions so basically any time we try and do something different, I get nostalgic for the old way of doing things, and thinking about all the people who are no longer at the occasions with us

"Childhood growing up in a small Midwestern town.

"I,m from Bolivian people in Sud America, is a good e position, but it’s a very new sensation for to see this time or expository, I very new idea for expose the art. Congratulations for your effors

— Ernesto Duarte

"Music, food, scents

"Songs from my childhood, especially from the Perry Como tv show — remind me of watching the program with my mom.

— Kathleen E.

"Late in the evening, Standing at the top of the avenue of my home town at Christmas time with all the trees illuminating the street. Brought me back to a time in my early childhood when my parents took our family there. There was a bright fire, hot chocolate, warm coats and people singing carols.

"Images and even smells

"Stars on a bedroom ceiling

"Going back home, to all my old schools and social places. All the memories come back

— Meagan

"This exhibit makes me feel nostalgic for my son’s childhood and youth. I really appreciate the inclusion of Lucas Foglia’s work, because it includes images of children of color. Winslow Homer shows an exclusively white world in the America, which was not the reality then and is not now. This show also makes me feel nostalgic for nature, and for time spent in nature.

— Anne

"I feel nostalgic when I go places I haven’t gone to in a long time and think of how much has changed.

"Loss makes me feel nostalgic. Having lost both my grandmothers before I was 16 had a great impact on me. When I return to their former neighborhoods and see how their homes have changed, or smell the brand of perfume, or read a recipe book they hand wrote I feel nostalgic for the relationship we had. I mourn the wisdom they could have passed down. I crave their core but am only reminded with the surface, earthly, material things I associate with them.

"When gazing at Bunny Harvey’s Untitled piece of Silhouettes, I thought of my childhood summers which was spent on the south shore of Long Island. There were tumultuous times in the country, but we were sheltered and ran barefoot on the beach.

"🖌📒 looking at old drawings

"The first snow fall of winter is nostalgic for me the way the air gets a clean fresh smell and the world is blanketed in white hiding all the imperfections under a blanket of purity. Then running out and messing it all up with snowball fights and sledding tracks until you can’t feel your toes so you rush in for hot coco by the fire dripping with sweet and melting snow.

— Jaime Wheeler

"The first snow fall

— Jaime Wheeler

"My childhood bedroom

— Jaime Wheeler

"I grew up near a Nabisco factory. Whenever I smell cookies baking I’m brought back to track practice in high school - we knew it was about to rain when we could smell cookies.

"I was playing a game and I saw something from the older version of the game and I got nostalgic, it was cool

— Oscar lutes

"Yesterday. Autumn evening light.

"The smell of ripened mangoes and salt in the air

— Andrene

"The odor of coal burning

"When i smell freshed baked pies. It reminds me of growing up on the farm.

"Last night

"MUSIC I love music and it has always brought back memories or old family videos. My family has one song that we all remember as the one I danced ballet to in the middle of the living room.

"When I play old games I feel like, how many people have played this, what, 10, 20 years ago? Hanalei Streuli

"I was leaving my grandparent’s house and my grandfather waved goodbye as I drove away, it instantly triggered a memory of leaving my Great Aunt’s house: every time our visit came to an end, she’d stand at her doorway, and wave hugely with both arms, blowing kisses as we drove away, until we could no longer see her.

"Certain landscapes, beaches, housing projects, bring back childhood memories, good and bad

"Seeing the tack on ceiling stars in any place, they remind me of my room when I was younger. The stars and the hanging planets remind me of my many childhood career ideas, and childhood dreams of how I would change the world.

— Perseus

"Campfires on summer nights, surrounded by evergreens and laughter

"When I returned to providence a few days ago and I remembered being in that city as a child. I remembered providence in the less technological times of the early fifties.As a senior citizen,I appreciate the historic charm of that city even more,as well as my beloved RIsd Art Museum.

"The stars

"Every time I look at photos of my family. Even if a photo was taken one minute earlier. Jeff

— Barbara Schoenfeld

"Evanything that shows great parenting. Frank

— Barbara Schoenfeld

"Listening to music I liked during a certain phase of life always brings me back to that time

— Barbara Schoenfeld

"When I am with my grandchildren and observing my children as parents,

"Family road trips. It’s a time we all spent together as a whole family.

— Lynn

"Being at Disney World!

— Jason

"Making dumplings

"When my friends sharing the beautiful photos of spring in my home country in March, here is still snowing in Boston

— Yingjing

"This past summer I finally moved the last of my things from my parents, tens years too late. In a brown chest were old books of my angst teen poetry every tween is entitled to write. I was on the phone with my husband and couldnt stop laughing and blushing as I read him some of the dribble.

— Collie

"Cleaning my room and still finding things from my childhood

"Looking at pictures. Triggers: memories, good and bad

"When I chatted with a 96-year old woman about her time working as a school teacher in a neighborhood she still lives in.



"Rainy days

"Every time I see the sea, I think of Qingdao, my birth city.

"Winter sunsets remind me when I was kid playing street hockey and heading home.

— Bob

"I think of my uncle joe when he calls me “Peanut Chew”

"Listening to music of Richard Tucker and Jerry Vale. Or old Broadway tunes, Rogers and Hammerstein. Reminds me of Sunday afternoons, my dad would relax on the couch and listen to those records. It was the only time I remember him being completely relaxed and happy.

"Christmas. Of course

"Hearing the music of my teenage years.

"I felt nostalgic walking into the apartment my aunt lets family use here in Newport. The smell of the apartment is so distinct and overwhelming.

— Julia

"Now 🏹

"Driving past first beach 🙏
