
I'm All Done

"Kids sitting around a park texting on their phones.

"Skateboarding, with or w/o cell phones, running ,

— Immigrants at our southern border

"Kids protesting about climate change

"Technology and how it is changing society

"The border crisis

"Restaurant kitchens, hotel room cleaning, lawn wor

"Aerial skiing

"Sailing, surfing, skiing, snowboarding, tennis or golf

— Brigitte Brocato

"Political rallies

"Factory workers replaced by AI

"He would incorporate wind turbines into his landscapes. He ocean/water views may include trash. People would be heavier and children engaged in their phones rather than with their surroundings.

"Political figures

"The homeless

"It is so difficult to say, considering that everything is technology influenced today. I would like to see children playing on a seesaw or playing crack the whip. You just don’t see that anymore, sadly

— Nicole

"The arrest of DJT

"Entitlement, people desiring rights, money and to be heard

"Small town July 4th celebrations; family picnics (parks or beach); college sporting events.

— Kathleen E

"Waiting for a subway

"What young people enjoy, mostly outdoors. Break dancing, graffiti, cell phones

"Teens gathered around a cell phone.

"Soccer and lacrosse

"To answer a question on a different topic that comes to mind in here, Homer studiously avoids portraying any trace of the very different lives of African American children during this period.

— Anne

"Head of the Charles in Boston

"Children’s summer camps

"Acts of kindness by ordinary people

— Erica

"Impossible to take a photo as a memory

— P

"Sporting events, where people come together for fun and through an “American” pastime

— Annette Becker

"The disco

"teamwork simple pleasures of play downtime

"Amazing prosperity and technological achievements of western civilization such as jet travel and exploration of outer space

"Children in small towns and schools. Technology I’m work places. Farmers’ difficulties. Organic farms

"Comedy and Brennan,s trials.

"Kanye’s new album

"From these engravings I would thing that the decrease in interpersonal interaction and decreased time out of doors would be of concern. Depersonalization of human interactions and life.


"families torn apart at the border while the right protests the right to choose, and not caring about actual children.

"Humans interacting

— Oscar

"Sully landing the plain

"Trumps degradation of the Constitution and his reaching for dictatorial power

"Scraping the ice off one’s car windshield

"He would continue to depict children at play, engaged in physical activity, on the playground, hiking, at the beach

"A collection of people from different walks of life in a public place all staring at their phones ignoring each other

— Josh

"Sporting events


"The impeachment hearings

"What makes us united instead of divided

"The witch hunt for President Donald Trump’s impeachment

"The immigrant children in detention centers throughout the southern border

"The Women’s March

"Kids of Republican and Democratic parents watching parents reactions to Trump’s impeachment

"Schoolchildren going through an active shooter drill

"Winslow homer made nice art work I like the Sea-Side Sketches art work very nice 😎

"Nice job on your art work😘😎🤓

"Nice work😎


"Maybe go back to a simpler technology that isn’t as environmentally hazardous and depict that.

"Rising water/tides due to climate change

— Alma davenport

"The greater diversity in the American Society and the contributions that immigrants have made in America.


"Perhaps amazon storage warehouse workers in the act of filling orders while conversing and managing the robots

"People buying Juul pods

— Peter & lynn

"What does this question even mean.

"Border crossings into the US at the southern border

— Jason

"Perhaps images of the migrant workers in our fields and factories and at home/play with their families