
I'm All Done

"The missing guest: shall we wait?

— Saberah Malik

"Why is dinner taking so long to be served?

— John McLane

"Why Martin Luther King was not in attendance.

— Judd Peskin

"Hallucinogenic drugs!

"Which American holiday are you here to take away, Mr. Reaper?

— Michael R. weis

"current events, like all holiday dinners

— Alexandra

"The next holiday

— Ben Weis

"Father Time is making direct eye contact, I feel that he has a secret none of the other guests are in on. The absence of food at this dinner may be in respect to the animals present. The guests are discussing their trivial holidays.

— Lynn

"The next fantasy creature they should invite to have their own holiday

"The guests are most likely talking about there experiences in their own holiday, and comparing.🤠

— Zoe

"They are wondering where their food is. And perhaps their backstories and celebrations

— Molly

"After dinner games.

"How they seem to getting along.....so why is it so hard for the world to get along?

— Dennis

"The lack of food on the table!

"They’re talking about how things have changed and how tired and busy they’ve been. They all agree this generation is disappointing. Ugh, millennials.

— Katherine

"Is that you in the left painting? And why the moon opposite? I enjoy the whimsy!

— Marcie

"Which holiday is the best?

— Sarah

"Our next dinner party ....

"I love this painting! It is amusing and has great detail. I really like her perception of how she portrayed each of the holidays characters. As far as what they are saying, I am not sure but it pleases me that they all seem to be getting along at a family or holiday dinner.

— Rene

"They are all wondering if the Turkey realizes it’s soon to be dinner

"Similarities and differences

"Trying to figure out what to do on their next vacation.

— Sarah

"Politics and religion

— Caroline Widdop


— Mary

"Have you ever heard of something called a TV.? No, how about a computer?. A what? Or an I phone?whats a phone? St.Nicholas. and Whitchy, I heard that all of could fly someday.. White Rabbit do you know anyone by the name of Alice?And I thought you only drank tea. Who invited you and what are you looking at?

— Susan

"I feel like they are talking about the good and bad of their individual jobs/holidays. As if they around the water cooler.

— Katie

"nice we all had the day off!

— Ann mcmahon

"The Native American is probably asking the Pilgrim why he stole his land and livelihood, and the Easter Bunny looks like he might need some Cymbalta :(

— Margaux and Ana

"When and how did you become a holiday.

"Why is the service so slow, and how much do we have to tip this guy? When is that turkey going to be cooked? And how in the world are we supposed to share that beer? Dang!!

"All of the memories these great legends share, image is an intimate peak into private mystical discussions.

"Isn’t it a “hoot” that we all get our special day and people love “celebrating “ us ...happy times for all

"I would assume that they are all talking about their hardships and different encounters during their special and unusual jobs; each person has a look distinctly matching their occupation.

"Who’s house this is; none of them recognizes this place out of their own fairy tale or myth. Maybe Gryffindor Common room?

— Ronnie

"Who will kill the turkey for dinner?