
I'm All Done

"The collaged text gives the impression that the two cats have a long history and adds weight to the gesture they are in. The muted color palate and simple design lends a biblical, fable, or historical tone

— EdwardMcP

"The snippets of words resemble how we process our lives through our dreams. While we sleep, our brain analyzes conversations and interactions we’ve had. The cats float on these phrases as though on a river, which suspends them and moves them along. The cat on the right seems to be consoling his friend (or another iteration of himself?) as they contemplate the work they’ve done that day in the form of the quality/quantity of wheat they have collected.

— Claire

"Compassion & loyalty

"Excitement and disappointment

— Thomas

"Looks like they are frozen in a storm

— Abigail Berdy



"Happiness and empty and helping

— Catherine

"Funny - I always suspected cats could work harder and now you’ve shown me what I wanted to believe. I feel the sense of a folk tale in the making with the effect of the print collage hinting at hidden thought and ideas. There is sadness in the expressions ... there is only one tree and a small harvest. Are they the last cats on earth? Is that the last wheat?

— Linda

"Come hither my friend, I shall lead you to a place of comfort and warmth.......

"The intertwined arms suggest suggest a sense of “I am here too.” Comfort amid the change of season.

"Working in partnership to gather grain


"Absence of emotion or idea , it’s just it’s own world / aesthetically engaging

"The social connection between the cats explores the solidarity and love that we experience as humans when we share and communicate. I find that the words symbolize the history of human interaction and togetherness.

— Carina D’Urso


"There is a coolness, a sense of distancing.


"Friendship, compassion, sharing Blues and greens are cool and soothing Different stripes

— Tanya kelley

"Cool conversation that I stumble upon. not a welcome voyeur I feel. The varied print adds depth where I can look around.

"I find it amusing. The artist maybe has a sense of humor! I do not like cats but I enjoy this work.

— Brian Peace


— Jenn mohon

"Chaos and normalcy of daily life.

— Katherine

" I will never leave you my friend

— Terry

"Working together during a rough period of time, but having the hope things will get better


"Community, love, etc. the cats are connected as they work shows a sense of community or love. The colors are simple, maybe exibiting the simple way of life they live. They are in the foreground showing their importance.

"The colors make me think of sadness while the textured composition of the letters make me think of loss. But the cats interacting with each other makes me think of love and support


"Fun, camrederie, cats do not generally harvest. Are we cats, is this natural,can we reach out.

— Pru Dewey

"Never judge. All creatures are able to accomplish tasks that we would not or could not imagine.

"Safety; peace; warmth