
I'm All Done

"Protect childhood

"The girl is portrayed as militant; instead of confident

"I question the choice to use a subject like “girls with guns” as a way to portray confidence and strength. I imagine a narrative around the use of weapons illustrates a situation where one relies on external force and fear to make their point known.

"Something for everyone’s taste in art Consentino’s rabbit a delight

"Again the museum pushes us to think!.

"It is interesting that Erin faces one way and the girls with the guns face the other.

"Oh no not girls too. Can we show confidence and assertion another way?

"Holds no appeal for me

"Much of the art is “weird”.

"Love the “attitude” projected by the girl with her hands on her hips. Sad that we also have to think about the potential need for the guns in our society.

"It reminded me of that piece put up facing the bull on Wall Street, a challenge to a social norm. It is a very clever work.

"A nice message, but not very skillful artistically

"Looks like a kid I know who has a temper and uses it well...!

"It is a bit shocking. I think because Erin has a smile on her face the piece makes you think more. Like is she actually happy to have minions shooting for her? Or is she smiling because she feels safe and protected? Or is she playing pretend and imagining all of the toy soldiers? There are a lot of conversations to be had

"Also “gender creative” similar to the summer camp. Girls and Boys like to play soldiers.




"Expiring all childhood experiences.

"Standing her ground but shouldn’t need a gun to do it!

— Diane Conlon

"No change. Initial reaction, the new Irish Republican Army member. Frightening image of this child/woman. Disturbing.

"I love the sculptures


"I took a picture to show my 12 year old granddaughter encouraging girl power

"Girl power!!!!

"Yes everything seems a little off.

"One of the few times I looked at the inclusion of guns as an empowering thing. This militia is defensive and symbolic that it takes a community.

"Immense dislike

"Stand your ground. Hold true

"I detest guns and the rotten NRA.We need a lot more respect for life in this country under the spell of our Fascist President.

"Great Girl Power, appropriates male power imagery in a positive way. Discussed with my wife, who viewed the same way.

— Jon Canis

"Interesting collections! I believe list some general categories for those collections will help normal viewers to understand.

— Jerry

"At first, I nodded approval at the confident girl with her hip jutting out. Then I saw the guns. Now I’m off balance.

— Barbara Schoenfeld

"Disturbing Frightening


"Thought provoking. My initial reaction is negative, guns to me do not evoke for me a feeling of strength or defense. Though clearly they do project both. I like the imagery/concept of defending the innocence and confidence of girlhood that too many of us lose. The guns are a jarring way to show it and rather than fierce or proud make me sad. Like it warps the girl it is trying to defend.

— Kathleen Ogni

"She’s in command!

"Ugly.grim representation of culture today. It

"Carefree. Children are a great reminder of how to just be without judgement.

"These are the different defense mechanisms that you develop from a young age

— Dmitriy Generalov

"Ms. Consentino’s installation works well on several levels. It could be seen as a playful image of a confident girl who’s acting out her feelings, with the help of toy soldiers who also happen to be female. Or the piece could engender reflections and serious discussions about aggression, warfare, gender stereotyping and other important current issues. It is an effective work of art, and appropriate to the times we live in.


"We were offended (in a good way)

— AP

"We were offended (in a good way) ;)

— AP

"We were offended (in a go

— AP

"I think we should do the best we have ever done for the art show and we understand that the art is sometimes inappropriate so do you worst or your best

"The one with the girl/boy ( I dunno which ) pointing guns at you is kind of strange to me violent

"Connects to snippets of my memories

— Daniel F Gluibizz

"Attitude:Confidence. Grrrl power. Sisterhood. Protection. Greta Thunberg. The girl facing the Wall Street Bull

"Its unnerving yet familiar.

— Julia

"Violence. I’m anti-guns

"Beautifully varied.

"I do not see the purpose of displaying children with guns. This may be prevalent in third world countries and or in countries at war. I know fire arms is topic people are talking about but our present president and his republican congress are doing nothing to help this situation. Maybe if one of their family members became a victim they would change their tune. They all lack morals and decency starting from the idiot on the top. How does he live with himself.

"I hardly think the alternative the artist suggests is desirable: Girls. armed with guns? How about other ways of depicting agency..?


"I like the he new instillation. I t is nice.


"Not what I expected. Loved the building across though.

"Kinda of Horrible

"First impression was strength. Choice of being a “ginger” interesting as well.