
I'm All Done


— Norah

"The sea

"Fire crackling

— Saundra patrick

"The sound the drill makes when the dentist fills your cavity. Thanks ribbon candy...

— Freedom Fulton

"It feels like a gust of wind or a big change with a horn section and viola

— Em

"it sounds a bit like the ocean and calming instrumental music

— emily

"Deafened silence

— Ben Weis

"A warm voice, deep, but crisp on the edges, warbling

— Alexandra

"A fervent heartbeat.

— Lynn

"Yes. A harp

"The first note played in an orchestra.

"The sound of a single kiss

"It is certainly flowing, maybe a lush operatic sound. It reminds me of the sea.

— Christine

"Rolling Stones tongue

"Unfolding... Does it have a sound?

— Helen

"The fibers are reminiscent of sound waves that move and meld in space. The color concentration within the fibers is expressive of the force of these waves.

— Sarah

"Classical or jazz

"A sharp, direct sound

"A low note brass instrument and my girlfriend sees a dubstep wub wub.

"I don’t see the music connection, but this screams salt water taffy.

"No, I am afraid it doesn’t ring a bell.


"While looking at “Ansa,” I hear sounds of the ocean. The shapes, curves and threads that form this piece evoke waves, in a rough sea. Almost like massive swells. The red color makes the piece dramatic, pairing well with the form of the ocean waves.

— Andrew

"Violin Chelo etc

"Hi hat

— Cezar

"A train whistle

"Train bell

"Train engine

"Train horn

"High notes on a violin

"I think that Ansa is provoking very sharp strong and loud tones, I think this because of the sharp edges and red color, also the shape is very irregular and sharp.

— Devin

"It sounds like waves crashing in the sea and the strawberry ghost. I hear screams and moans.

— Stewart family



"Yes. It suggests a deep revolving , reverberating sound emanating from the round, deep, form and saturated vermillion color.

"The sound of silence

"Squelchy, like a conch

"The sound of guns in rapid fire because pooling blood doesn’t make a describable noise

"String instrument sounds like a melody from a harp

"A loud horn


— Thomas



"I think of flowing waves at sunset.

— Laura

"I think of flowing waves at sunset.

— Laura