
I'm All Done

"When the surveillance is being done on private property that you own without your consent

"Security comes first

"Is it for our safety or for control? If for our safety, I am okay with it up to an extent.

"intriguing....and terrifying that we are being watched at times that we don’t realize. Powerful

"When not informed or not in a public space or when it’s data is sold or its data used without consent

"Who controls the surveillance data

"Being unaware of surveillance!

"Safety of the public, safety of the infrastructure, safety of the individual. If not met, then some form of surveillance may be necessary

"It depends on who is providing surveillance for security...I want to be safe, but not quite sure I totally trust surveillance procedures.

"There is no line. As soon as surveillance starts, privacy ends.

— Ron

"If I have nothing to hide, why worry.

"Everyone should have the right to privacy especially within their own home and community. When you have the feeling that someone is watching you get a sense of feeling uncomfortable which we shouldn’t have to feel. However, surveillance can also make us feel safe such as police and safety measures within the country. This makes us feel more secure

"Love that embroidery “ is not a less than art form” statement from the artist. I am not bothered by surveillance because I have nothing to hide. It solves murder mysteries and catches thief’s. I think it must be hard for incarcerated people to never have privacy. The prison system and wrongful convictions in this country terrify and sadden me. Too many peaceful people made mistakes and are locked up. Reform is badly needed.

"It’s a hard question to answer now that we have invited surveillance into our everyday actions with the use of our phones and the internet

— Richard aAllen

"Surveillance providing security = public areas. approved Surveillance infringing on my right to privacy = bathrooms, fitting rooms

"In my own home

"When it observes one in private places

"There are cameras all around they might as well be in your bed 👹

"Security is an illusion. Surveillance is an invasion of privacy.

"I don’t really. It’s just a data point and don’t think any entity cares enough about me to watch me to the point it infringes

"When I feel like I’m losing a sense of privacy

"When done without your knowledge or expressed consent

"When you carry a GUN you need to be watched

"Surveillance is good for security, not for anything else

"I draw the line at my personal space. I accept being watched as a citizen in public space, but not Beyond my front door...literally or figuratively on my person.

"All surveillance is an invasion of privacy

"Security can be interactive and even educational as a way to check in with each other, either way I respect it as necessary

"Isn’t it a case by case scenario?

— B. Roberts

"When it records private conversation or is in places that are meant to be private (ie bathroom, bedroom, etc)

— Brandon J

"schools clearly need it these days, red lights crossings, outside public buildIngs oh that already too many places.......

"To me, it all depends on purpose. I often find that though security may seem overwhelming, sometimes it is indeed necessary in securing our safety. Additionally, it can be used to ensure the carriage of justice as when a crime has been committed, surveillance footage can be used to track and locate the suspect. Yet, there are many times when surveillance is used in unnecessary situations, creating a dangerous environment for all as we fear our everyday activities being tracked and watched by people who don’t deserve access to this information. If someone is in public, they can expect their activities to be seen by strangers they don’t know, but if someone is in a location that usually wouldn’t provide access for strangers and the public to view and monitor them, taking surveillance footage of them is extremely inappropriate and dangerous for society’s relationship with security in the future.

— Hannah Shinder

"The artist references “protected spaces” but I believe there are no such spaces and we have all learned to act accordingly to the degree we are concerned. Security is a phantom conceit.

"You can’t draw any line !! It is everywhere


"When I cannot live in silence

— The Faye

"In your house you can do as you please for security surveillance. In public we need to be informed about the surveillance. Buyer beware. The very small percentage of lawbreakers make it difficult for the rest of us, but the lawbreakers need society’s agreed upon feedback and associated repercussions.

"I am glad I did not grow up in this era of constant exposure.

— Martha bilski

"When it gets to the point of being watched by every move either it be digitally or physically. Everyone has became obsessed with knowing where everyone is.

— Angelina

"Surveillance is, with the best intentions, meant to provide a sense of safety and security. However, seeing the current worries about the topic shows how much it has been misused and exploited for malicious intent. Beyond a basic security detail, for example, a location tracker, like knowing what a person is doing at each location and using it against them, is something that goes beyond simple security.

"I don’t want any cameras on me unless I’m shooting a movie

"When that information is used against oneself to damage or harm that person.

— Joel Jones

"For me it is all about informed consent..

"Security in private places

— Ellie

"Cameras in the bedroom and bathroom.

— Emmy Gomes

"I don’t want to be watched!

"Welcome to the new world

"When it goes unchecked. There are cases where it’s needed, but too often these are used to dismiss the negatives. Everyone has “something to hide”, things that don’t hurt anyone but could be used to hurt them if revealed. Allowing access on a whim is corrosive to our right to privacy.

"When the crime rate and Mass shootings are out of control and Police funding and support is down like in 2023 ,you need more cameras!

— Chris OGara

"When it keeps the images beyond any threat and my departure from the immediate vicinity

"There is no right to privacy

"When no one can be held accountable for abuse of the power.

"Safety of the public

"Healthcare/medical system intersecting with income inequality providing surveillance that translates into legislation that justifies caste system of care providers and denies the right to make individual decisions. Ha! Too much for 1 sentence! Love this

— Jeanette

"Transparency. Knowing.

"When on Private property, rented property, hotel rooms, and restrooms are probably the simplest example of spaces where surveillance should not be used except for facing outward streets or entry ways for personal/property safety reasons

"In my bathroom

"Surveillance should not infringe on our right to privacy. Surveillance should be consented by the people if done in public places.

— kristen

"I feel that any unwarranted surveillance is a violation of one’s right to privacy. In the US at least we are protected from unreasonable search & seizure so surveilling a person who is not either convicted nor suspected (with a proper warrant) of a crime violates our collective freedom.

"Does privacy exist?

"I expect not to have privacy in public spaces

"Infringing on human freedom is a slippery slope .

"The way that technology infringes on human freedom in such a subversive fashion is a slippery slope

— A Flam

"Crossing the line: Collection of data to be sold or used to inform AI tools

"The line is crossed when human data is collected to be sold or to inform AI tools without consent

"Sad that there is so much mistrust in the world today

— Janet

"I think that the difference depends on why the cameras are needed and what they are trying to prevent. There is a difference between perceived threats and actual ones and sometimes preparing for the worst isn’t the right approach. Especially if it implies that someone is a threat